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LARPM CIPET Bhubaneswar

Get the Office address of larpm cipet Bhubaneswar along with the location map

CIPET: Institute of Plastics Technology is located at Patia and was established in 1986 to provide specialized skill, quality education, and up-gradation training and to provide technology support services to Plastics and allied industries in Odisha.

Centre conducts specialized training programs such as Laboratory Quality Management System & Internal Audit as per ISO/IEC-17025-2017, Uncertainty in Measurements for the personnel working in the testing and research laboratories, CAD using CATIA, Creo (formerly Pro-E), & Unigraphics, CAM using Master CAM. Every year about 3000 students are being trained in both long term and short term courses. Various Placement Linked Skill Development Programs are being conducted with the support of Central Govt., State Govt., PSUs namely NSFDC, NSKFDC, NBCFDC, DDU-GHY, OSFDC, PPT, ECL, etc.

CIPET Bhubaneswar is located centrally and well connected, get the location map and get the contact person details here.

Laboratory for Advanced Research in Polymeric Materials (LARPM)
(Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers, Govt. of India)
B – 25, CNI Complex,
Bhubaneswar – 751024
Tel No: +91-674-2740173, + 91-674-2742852
Fax No: +91-674- 2740463
Email :


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